© senso 2024

‹Moving Memories›

Interactive Media Facade for the Media Facades Festival Berlin 2008.
A collaboration of tillsammans laboratories.
Media Facades Festival, ⁕

The Installation «Moving Memories» is concerned with Memory. The screens of the SAP-mediafaçade allow an insight of its recollections, such as: impressions, cumulations of events, things that become forgotten. All this is building up an atmosphere of the scene from the viewpoint of the façade.
Four cameras are recording the events on Rosenthaler Strasse. The façade reacts on motion. Movements become registered and then a defined section live streamed. When the motion stops, the section freezes and inserts itself into the façade. (This is an analogy to early photography when the photographed person had to stand completely still in order not to cause a blurred photo). The moment becomes a photograph and memory. People on the scene have the possibility to actively participate by posing in front of the facade. The defined sections (indicated by a frame, such as in photo cameras) follow the movements of the participators. People become part of the media façade’s consciousness.
This procedure is repeating itself continuously. Reminiscences are building up the façade: An always moving picture, made of impressions and events at Rosenthaler Strasse.